What is a Healthcare Consultant?

What is a healthcare consultant and how can they help me?

A healthcare consultant (or patient advocate) assists patients in navigating the US healthcare system. A healthcare consultant provides assistance with identifying the care you need, finding the right provider, managing costs and more.

Is a healthcare consultant the same as a concierge doctor?

No. A healthcare consultant does not provide concierge medical services or care, but does ensure that your physicians (concierge or otherwise) provide you with the correct standard of care.

Do I need a healthcare consultant if I already have a doctor?

While you may already have a primary care or concierge physician or be working with a combination of primary and specialist physicians, these individual caregivers seldom act as a team. A healthcare consultant facilitates team communication to ensure you have the time and information you need to dedicate to recovery.

Can a healthcare consultant help me if I’m in the hospital?

If you (or a family member) are in the hospital, it can be extremely difficult to get information. In many cases you cannot even be sure who is the treating physician. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more difficult. A healthcare consultant will call the hospital, speak to the right people and ask the right questions to ensure you receive proper care. A healthcare consultant can also get answers to you more quickly.